Thursday, May 30, 2013

Break Time

I know you're expecting a food post but it's just not going to happen today or for the next few days.  Things around here have been crazy busy with making cakes for parties and lots of visitors.  I have a lot to tell you about... spinach turkey meatloaf, peanut butter pretzel brownies, lemon poppy seed muffins and frosting cups to name a few... but I just don't have time to write about it right now.  Why?  Because I have another big event I'm baking for right now.  Remember Ball Week?  My dear friend is getting married this week and I have to make 400 balls for the wedding so all writing is on hold while I mix, roll and dip until I can't dip anymore.

Don't worry... I'll be back soon with more goodies.

Love ya!


  1. You deserve a break! Can't wait to see how the wedding balls turn out!

    1. Thanks GFF! My fridge is currently packed with uncovered "naked" balls. Gross :)
