Thursday, January 2, 2014

Baking Bouchon - Recipe 72: Pain Palladin

I'm getting bored of making and talking about bread.  Especially when the recipe says "This bread is just like that other bread you made except a little different.  It's also very similar to the next bread in this cookbook you have to make expect a little different in a different way than the bread you made last time."

Also, when I take ingredient pictures of bread they look exactly the same every time... flour, levain, yeast, salt, water and sometimes oil.  I'm bored just talking about it.
This bread has a longer fermenting time which was supposed to result in a thicker crust which is weird because I'm pretty sure the crust was thinner.

The only funny thing that happened was that wasn't entirely careful when I put the bread in the oven.  The two balls of dough were touching and I ended up with conjoined twin loaves.  At least it gave me something to talk about.

Also, I had a visitor when I stuck this in the oven and the whole steaming process scared the crap out of her.  This made me laugh because I'm so used to it by now that I forgot it is actually kind of scary to throw water on 460 degree rocks and make a sauna in your oven.

This bread was fine - it's just bread and not that exciting.  The next bread is supposed to be the same but with a thinner crust and I'm already bored.


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