Monday, February 25, 2013

Kale Salad

I love buying those enormous bags of greens at the grocery store.  It's so much easier than trimming and washing my own, especially on a weeknight.  We eat a ton of veggies around here and I'm always trying to find ways to keep it interesting.  I sauteed up a bunch of kale last night as a side dish, but had some leftover and figured I'd make a salad out of it to go with the flatbread I made for dinner.  It turned out pretty good, so I wanted to share it with you.

Inspired by this recipe on 

1/4 cup golden raisins
2 T dried currants
5 T balsamic vinegar
6 cups chopped kale
1/4 cup lemon juice
2 T olive oil
salt & pepper (to taste, I think I used about 1/2 tsp each)
1 T honey
1 T agave
1/4 cup slivered almonds, toasted

Place raisins & currants into a small bowl and pour balsamic vinegar over them.  Refrigerate for 2-3 hours.
Mix lemon juice, olive oil, salt, pepper, honey & agave together and toss with kale.  Refrigerate for 2-3 hours.
Add the raisins & currants to the kale mixture along with all but 2 T of the balsamic.  Toss along with the almonds.

I really liked the way this came out.  You can absolutely use all honey or all agave, I just happened to only have 1 T of honey in the house, so supplemented with the agave.  I also think other kinds of dried fruits would be good in this as well (cherries, cranberries, etc.).  As I've said before, I don't really like dried fruit but I had raisins leftover from the oatmeal cookies I made a few days ago so I thought I'd give it a whirl.  Soaking them in the balsamic helped plump them up and make them less sticky so they didn't bother me.  Letting the kale sit in the dressing for a few hours softens up the greens a little bit so they're less tough.

Enough of this healthy stuff, where's the pie?


  1. I bought kale this week for the first time! Shocker! Our friends made it for us a few weeks back and it was so good. I have been missing out! I can't wait to try this salad. :)

    1. I hope you enjoy it! We're big kale fans, you should try it sauteed as well with some garlic. Mmmm.

  2. Totally trying this salad! I too have not gotten into the world of Kale yet but keep hearing cooked the right way it is fab.

    1. It's really note hard to cook at all... but raw is even easier!
