Sunday, December 15, 2013

Twix Cookies

The last of Halloween candy is gone... thanks goodness!  I swear that stuff stares at me and I know it talks to CA because until I got rid of it I continuously found wrappers in the trash can every morning.  I think the man eats as much after I go to bed as he does while I'm awake.  If it isn't candy wrappers, it's tortilla chip crumbs and dirty salsa bowls.  The fact that he's fit and miniature irritates the fat girl who has been fighting to get out of me for years.  I ignore the fact that he runs dozens of miles every week - that couldn't possibly have anything to do with it.

Twix are delicious - definitely one of my favorite candies and also one of the favorite Halloween candy leftover uses - a strong competitor to the Peanut Butter Candy Bar Cookies
Nothing spectacular is happening here - these are really just chocolate chip cookies with the chocolate chips replaced with cut up Twix bars.  I imagine you could use your favorite ccc recipe and swap out the chips.  I also imagine you could use this recipe and swap out the Twix for another candy or put in some chips.  Do whatever you want, cookies are flexible that way.

The recipe warns bakers to try and make sure the candy bars are completely covered with dough.  It's good advice - seeing as I ignored it and the caramel melted out of some of my cookies.  They probably would have stayed more in tact if I had paid attention.  I didn't mind as it reminded me of toffee which I like.

Minus the hard toffee, these cookies stayed nice and chewy, just like I like them. The caramel flavor is delicious, the chocolate and cookie base of the candy sort of melt into them so it's very well balanced.

You can find the recipe at Life's Ambrosia.  Even if you don't have any leftover Halloween candy (because it's freakin' December already!) these are good enough that you should go buy some and mix up a batch.


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