Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Coconut Butterscotch Cookies

I freakin' love these cookies.  I've made them at least a dozen times and each time I make them I get so excited and gobble them all up.  Then I forget about them and then I remember and then I make them again and then I'm happy all over again.

What I love about them is that they're just as easy to make as a chocolate chip cookie but they are so much more unique.  Plus you don't have to buy anything crazy to put in them - just coconut and butterscotch chips.  The butterscotch in here adds so much richness I can hardly stand it.
Recently I bought a pint of Ben & Jerry's Scotchy Scotch Scotch which is a limited edition flavor in honor of the new Anchor Man movie which I haven't seen and has no bearing on my ice cream purchasing motivations.  It's butterscotch ice cream with butterscotch swirls. At the same time I also bought a pint of vanilla and another one called Everything but the...  I brought these to a little birthday celebration where cupcakes were also served and everyone raved about this butterscotch ice cream.  Including me, it was my favorite.

I'm not sure why I just told you all of that except that talking about butterscotch chips made me remember that ice cream and how good it was.

What I should really do is get more of that ice cream and serve it with these cookies.  Mind blown.

I challenge you to make these cookies and not to eat the dough.  I fail every time, but that's not unusual.

I'm not sure what else to tell you other than that these are really good, which I already told you, so just go make them already.

Coconut Butterscotch Cookies
Recipe from Williams Sonoma

1 1/3 cups All Purpose Flour
1/2 tsp Baking Powder
1/2 tsp Baking Soda
1/2 tsp Salt
1/2 cup Sugar
1/2 cup Brown Sugar
1/2 cup Butter, at room temperature
1 Egg
1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract
1 1/2 cups Coconut
1 1/2 cups Butterscotch Chips (I use the whole bag)

Preheat the oven to 325 degrees.  Line your baking sheets with a silpat or parchment paper.

In a medium bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt.

Add the sugar, brown sugar and butter to the bowl of a stand mixer.  Beat on medium speed with the paddle attachment until fluffy, about 3 minutes.  Add the egg and vanilla extract and mix on low speed until just incorporated.  Add the flour mixture in two additions and mix on low speed until just incorporated. 

Drop 1" balls of dough onto the prepared baking sheet.  Bake for 15 minutes, or until the edges are nice and golden brown.


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